Tonight, I tasted a long-lost-and-almost-forgotten burst of adventure. Along with two amies - Apple and Antler (yes, I have too many friends whose names start with A) - I finally stepped out of my lazy zone and explored the luminous hustle and bustle that is Central London. After a somewhat awkward half an hour at the Finance Society Committee Social [Apple and I didn't know this], the picture above shows us raring to start our journey from Limbo (*uni name*). And now, I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking...
I admit, rather shamefully, that I am quite a romantic at heart. And seeing this group of teenage exchange students dance to a busker's rendition of 'Killing Me Softly' in Covent Garden had painted a rather infeasibly romantic scene in my head; of a young ( (and obviously) poor couple dancing in the dim streetlight, swaying to a busker's slow song...
Piccadilly Circus. Bright lights. Red buses. People and foreign languages. True London-esque.
We poked at loads of stuffed toys at the Rainforest Cafe. Most of them were either friggin' scary (huge snake) or just not awesome enough. This is Apple and Antler looking unimpressed at this weird Mother Plushie and her 'children' - looking at their different colourings, she must've gotten really around.
Our final destination. For this, we travelled across LSE, Covent Garden, Piccadilly Circus to arrive at Soho. And it is under those bulbous rainbow lights that Apple, Antler and I shared our first mutual snog-fest together - of strawberries, mochi(? Japanese rice cakes) and Oreos. Muchos yum.

So, London is pretty cool. I'm starting to come around more and more to it. 24hour buses are the most FTW things ever. My geographical knowledge is also improving, slowly and bit by bit. And I love my pocket-sized Central London map, it's also made of WIN.
Adventure over, my bed is calling. Goodnight, asleep ones.