The gifts you see above (displayed by 3 beautiful girls) were hand-delivered to our door sometime around 3pm today, to a certain lucky (or unlucky in this case) 'Issy Sexy'. The name Isabelle/Isabella sounded familiar, and was probably a previous tenant who no longer lived here. We related this to the delivery man, who then phoned his boss and after much faffing about... We graciously took them in.
One teddy bear. One box of chocolates. One huge set of flowers. Two bottles of (very expensive) champagne.
We went on the website site. And holy crapping mother of Jesus (apologies for blasphemy)... in total, they cost £150! Repeat, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY POUNDS!!
And it was addressed to the wrong house.
Idiot boyfriend.
P.S. Nice as we are, we're giving them until Friday - or maybe next week if we're really generous - to claim this gift set before tucking in.