Apple (with minimal effort from me) organised a trip to the Natural Science Museum yesterday. Despite having lived in London for over one and a half year now, I still feel like such a newbie when we go to places or talk about places. My geography is simply abysmal, and frankly, I don't really care either.
We got a jolly group together. From left to right :AA (replacing Adam, as his name has 'Aa' within it), Yo-yo, Apple and (Kare) Krishna. This photo was taken with the great Charles Darwin, and I do lol at the fact it's boys vs girls, black vs red. How stereotypical...
On a completely separate note, this piece of news on the BBC website majorly freaked me out for the most part of 5 minutes on Friday night.
"The body of a 16-year-old girl has been discovered near a block of flats in North London. Jessie Wright's body was found near a yard in Outram Place, just north of King's Cross railway station."
I live in North London. I live near Kings Cross. I have a map of 'Outram Place' on the side of my house. I've probably seen the poor girl. Gawd, I live not even 200m away from the crime scene!
Freaking out justified? I think so.