Opposite my normal bus-stop, there used to be a pub. Due to the declining business (I assume as the industry's going down pretty fast), they tore it down last year. There was nothing but a blocked off wasteland the last time I saw it; but now, merely 7 weeks later - so much has been built! I was really surprised, and therefore took a picture just before I left. The pub was literally 5 minutes from my house, and yet I never set a foot inside it.
I was painfully hyper and happy when I arrived in London last night. Just before I left Homeland, I met up with Nutmeg, one of my bestest best friends. I hadn't seen her since last summer so I was quite keen (/desperate) to meet up. Starbucks sucked donkey's ass though... We had to push our faces against 4 bloody window panes before we spotted one which had free seats. She told me a story which could be the definition of 'innocence', and nodded along and listened to loads of my crap. Good friends are so rare to come by and this girl most fittingly adorns the label I have subconsciously pegged her over the years. She is my most 'precious' friend and I absolutely adore her.

I also revisited my teenage journals from Year 10-13 the night before I left, which meant my lamp was burning until 3:30am. Reading back now, I am really glad I'd written them; no matter how cringe-worthy they are, or how painful it was. I know, for me, putting pen to paper doesn't relieve sad feelings. Especially for things I deeply care about, if anything writing just reminds me how hopeless things are. But these diary pages do document my entire teenage life. And whilst I can't understand or at all remember my feelings for some of the memories, it is still evidence that things did happen, and that was how I thought I'd felt (I definitely went OTT with some emotions). My only regret now is not writing enough about some of the other important things in my life, which at the time I stupidly overlooked and took for granted.
I'm determined not to repeat the same mistake though, which is the principle reason as to why I'm writing this blog. I really do struggle to write (/vent/ramble) about other things beside what I already do in my personal diary. It's like a mind-dump and the two topics I write about in privacy appear to forever consume my mind and make it incapable of thinking about anything else. However, there are so many important other aspects of my life which I desperately wish to remember and by having this 'public' blog - I will definitely not stray. After all, everyday life is in many greater senses, far more representative of who we truly are, and how we feel.
And of course, another big clincher. This blog is just too pretty... *hearts*