So my mum lives at Home alone. Term started 7 weeks ago and I haven't been back at all to visit. Yes it's awful. I'm awful. Guilt did start gnawing away by the end of the 4th week, but in my defence, I had legitimate reasons to stay for both subsequent weekends!
I came home today though, having rushed extremely haphazardly (and unattractively) onto the train at 2:50pm. The first thought that struck me upon arriving in Homeland was how cold it was, followed by a most bizarre feeling: the first 5 minutes on the bus Home from the station felt, for some weird reason, extremely asimilar to the first day of my visit to China back in summer '08; like walking past a memory that you took for granted and subsequently forgotten. China was understandable as I hadn't been back for 10 years, but this?! I've only been away for 7 weeks, for eff's sake!
Back at Home, my mum and I had hotpot for dinner. I requested it, being the good proper Sichuanese girl that I am. If I hadn't lost enough liquid by salivating disgustingly prior to eating, I certainly did once sweat began oozing from my skin (notably the nose)... I finished both glasses of juice on that table. It was 30 minutes of pure, unadulterated, spicy heaven (interspersed with some very inappropriate questions from mum). I know I will pay for this tomorrow, but oh well.
My plan for tomorrow (or today rather) is to restore my laptop. Completely, to factory condition. It keeps overheating, and I can't watch the stupid Chinese drama (and lectures, of course *cough*) if this decides to be dramatical instead and dies every time. So, if I don't update this blog for sometime... Well, honestly I probably just got bored *BIG smile* Nonetheless, wish me luck.