I don't even know why I'm even writing a blog. I've kept a personal diary since I was 12, and what, do I not embarrass myself enough on that already?! True, in recent years, that has turned into somewhat of an emo word-diarrhoea-regurgitation-bucket , although not entirely undeservedly so. Still, I guess should stop bumming myself out and write about some goddamn normal and everyday things in my life too. Otherwise I'm not going to remember anything when I am old and grey.
Besides, blogs can be pretty. And I'm a sucker for pretty things.
To be honest, despite all the awkwardness in this entry (yes, I do realise I'm being awkward), I'm not actually a blog-virgin. I had a semi-blog a few years ago on LiveJournal, but I'd like to discount it as I only joined for the anime communities and the intention of stealing all their goodies, and occasionally unashamedly self-advertise my own fanbies too. Yes, I combine sad and awesome well like that.
... Wow, only 10 minutes in and I'm bored of writing already. A picture then and it's breakfast.