Saturday, 27 February 2010


So my mum lives at Home alone. Term started 7 weeks ago and I haven't been back at all to visit. Yes it's awful. I'm awful. Guilt did start gnawing away by the end of the 4th week, but in my defence, I had legitimate reasons to stay for both subsequent weekends!

I came home today though, having rushed extremely haphazardly (and unattractively) onto the train at 2:50pm. The first thought that struck me upon arriving in Homeland was how cold it was, followed by a most bizarre feeling: the first 5 minutes on the bus Home from the station felt, for some weird reason, extremely asimilar to the first day of my visit to China back in summer '08; like walking past a memory that you took for granted and subsequently forgotten. China was understandable as I hadn't been back for 10 years, but this?! I've only been away for 7 weeks, for eff's sake!

Back at Home, my mum and I had hotpot for dinner. I requested it, being the good proper Sichuanese girl that I am. If I hadn't lost enough liquid by salivating disgustingly prior to eating, I certainly did once sweat began oozing from my skin (notably the nose)... I finished both glasses of juice on that table. It was 30 minutes of pure, unadulterated, spicy heaven (interspersed with some very inappropriate questions from mum). I know I will pay for this tomorrow, but oh well.

My plan for tomorrow (or today rather) is to restore my laptop. Completely, to factory condition. It keeps overheating, and I can't watch the stupid Chinese drama (and lectures, of course *cough*) if this decides to be dramatical instead and dies every time. So, if I don't update this blog for sometime... Well, honestly I probably just got bored *BIG smile* Nonetheless, wish me luck.

Thursday, 25 February 2010


So on Tuesday, I was repeatedly punching my brain left, right and centre for some ideas towards this goddamn blog when I realised: I didn't quite want to explicitly state my full name on a public blog. Call me weird (and anal), but I do like to keep certain things private. I had considered making this completely private or invite-only actually; but (1) I'm not egotistical enough to invite people who do not suffer from sleep-deprivation already, and (2) I already have a private diary like I said! And this'll just turn out to be an extension of that if I don't constrain myself to talk about trivial, everyday musings.


Anyway, the point is whilst I was facing this dilemma, I realised, duh! I have a perfectly legitimate (and in fact, legal) Chinese name! This is 雁, which literally translates to a wild goose. Sounds stupid... and my profile has already summarised the reasons why. Basically, my Chinese name is synonymous with the story name. My dad clearly wanted me to be beautiful *scoff*.

So obviously I was curious about this woman, and therefore I went snooping on the internet. Wikipedia was of course the first source I turned to (I did try Chinese websites once before giving up - the characters just give me a headache nowadays), and somehow a YouTube clip came up displaying a trailer for 《王昭君》[Wang ZhaoJun] which is the name of the woman I supposedly owe my name to. It looked pretty decent, I was bored, and have been looking for something to watch lately... and therefore I did.

And today, barely 48 hours later than I first clicked on that trailer... I've watched 16 full episodes of the bloody drama. 16!! Each episode lasts 40 effing minutes! And I probably would've exceeded that if my internet didn't crap up every so often. Tisn't cool, my peapods, tisn't cool at all.

My housemate AA (yeah, I'm going to refer to people by the first word I think of with the first letter of their name - have to respect their privacy too *nods*) actually thought I was working all day, since I did not even leave my room to use the toilet for 7 hours... Tsk tsk, silly woman.

Anyway, so currently that's my obsession. The drama itself isn't even that good, but I've feeling pretty empty lately... Have lost much motivation for work, and prospects for summer isn't looking good. Baaah.

On another note, quite a few people I know have suddenly started blogs too! To call it coincidence would be rather freaky, but at the same time, I don't think I mentioned it to many people...
  • AA has started 2 blogs, in fact! One for her Disney adventures in the Summer (so bloody jealous), and one for pretentious and Cambridgey film reviews (jokes!).
  • Adam (what the eff, he's not called Adam), again has 2 blogs: one for himself, and one with his friend Elephant.
  • Semen (... gawd, I do apologize). Her first entry make me lol so much. Haha!
Okay, so only 3 people. But all within this month! That's what's surprising. Irritatingly, they have ALL posted their blog on different websites, which makes following them an absolute pinch in the arse. Gits. We should've huddled first...

This is turning into an essay. I'm so used to writing what I think directly on my diaries that it's hard to stop. I will stop though. Yes I will. Stop. Stop.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Hello me.

Gawd, I feel vain. Yes, vain.

I don't even know why I'm even writing a blog. I've kept a personal diary since I was 12, and what, do I not embarrass myself enough on that already?! True, in recent years, that has turned into somewhat of an emo word-diarrhoea-regurgitation-bucket , although not entirely undeservedly so. Still, I guess should stop bumming myself out and write about some goddamn normal and everyday things in my life too. Otherwise I'm not going to remember anything when I am old and grey.

Besides, blogs can be pretty. And I'm a sucker for pretty things.

To be honest, despite all the awkwardness in this entry (yes, I do realise I'm being awkward), I'm not actually a blog-virgin. I had a semi-blog a few years ago on LiveJournal, but I'd like to discount it as I only joined for the anime communities and the intention of stealing all their goodies, and occasionally unashamedly self-advertise my own fanbies too. Yes, I combine sad and awesome well like that.

... Wow, only 10 minutes in and I'm bored of writing already. A picture then and it's breakfast.